Veterans Day is a time to show our appreciation for those who served to keep our freedoms secure. For many, the struggle does not end after they come home after serving and transitions are difficult.
For veterans who need assistance transitioning into the civilian workforce, Brainfuse VetNow is a database available on with a library card from any library in Virginia. VetNow supports community veterans and their families by providing VA benefits assistance, academic tutoring and employment transition assistance. Veterans and their families can get answers regarding benefits eligibility, referral to community resources for housing, healthcare and educational needs. Veterans can receive real-time tutoring via instructors in online classrooms.
OCLC Wise goes live
The new Roanoke Valley Libraries online catalog is available by the time you read this article. The website address remains the same. Enter your library card as usual to get into your account. The old PIN will no longer work. Just click on the link, “request new password” and a link to create a password will be sent to your email address.
You, the patron, are more in control of the management of your account. Emails will be used to send notifications and library alerts so you can stay in the know with all things library. You can choose to opt out. Explore the new enhancements. Please be patient with library staff as we are also learning the database on the staff side.