Mrs. W. R. Cross First Regent-Chapter Places Several Markets Throughout Section
From the 1938 centennial edition of The Times-Register
On May 18, 1925 a group of women met at the home of Mrs. Jessie Hammit on the Lee Highway west of Salem, at the invitation of Mrs. Hammit and Mrs. W. R. Cross and organized the Fort Lewis Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
The charter members of the chapter included Mrs. Lula A. Cross, Organizing Regent; Ellie Hubbert Barnett, Rosalynd Roberts Evans, Jessie Morgan Hammit, Ida Rosser Kelly, Minnie W. Leward, Janie Buford Price, Elizabeth Hufford Saul, Bentey Wysor West, Lucy Armistead Worden, Lucy Evans Rice, Ann Ward Stoy, Edna Duncan Shields, Mary Barnitz Cooper, Frances E. Self, Mary Beverly Duncan, and Frances Harvey McClung.
Serving as the first officers of the chapter were/: Mrs. Cross, regent; Mrs. Kelly, vice-regent; Mrs. Rice, recording secretary; Mrs. Kathleen P. Repass, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Hammit, registrar; Mrs. Saul, treasurer; and Miss Duncan, historian.
After thirteen years, Fort Lewis Chapter now numbers forty-two members, with the following officers: Mrs. George Kelly, regent; Mrs. Richmond Shields, vice-regent; Mrs. C. B. Price, second vice-regent; Mrs. W. Templeton Norris, recording secretary; Mrs. W. Frank Chapman, treasurer; Mrs. L. E. Dawson, historian; Mrs. W. P. Norris, chaplain and Mrs. Jessie Hammit, registrar.
Many projects have been carried out to a completion by the Fort Lewis Chapter, one of which was the placing of a marker at the site of the original Fort Lewis, west of Salem, upon which is inscribed:
Fort Lewis
Stronghold of The
Pioneers of This Section
Against the Indians
Erected by Fort Lewis Chapter
Of the Daughters of the American
The Chapter also placed a marker in Hotel Fort Lewis, Salem.
Among the various activities conducted by the Daughters of the American Revolution are citizenship training through its Americanism program, Conservation of human life through welfare work and aid to ex-service men, also conservation of natural resources. Correct use of flag, national defense through patriotic education and numerous other projects.
-Prepared by Lisa King