Willingness to Hold a Public Hearing
Elizabeth Campus Greenway
The City of Salem is proposing to construct a new 10’ wide multi-use greenway trail through the
Elizabeth Campus of Roanoke College. The proposed trail would begin at the brick pathway located at 324 Idaho Street, travel in a northerly direction along Idaho Street, radius around onto Lynchburg Turnpike and continue in an easterly direction to Kime Lane, where it would dead end into the YMCA.
This is part of the larger regional Roanoke River and Mason Creek Greenway Trail system. This project is
funded through the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) and being developed through the Locally Administered Projects (LAP) Program.
To view plans for the project, visit the web at https://www.salemva.gov/767/Projects or go by the City
of Salem’s Community Development Office, located at 21 S. Bruffey Street. Please call (540) 375-3032 or email Will Simpson (wsimpson@salemva.gov) or Josh Pratt (jpratt@salemva.gov) to schedule a time to
view the plans or if you have any additional questions.
If your questions or concerns cannot be addressed through discussions with staff, the City is willing to hold a public hearing. You can request that a public hearing be held by sending a written request to:
William L. Simpson, Jr., PE
City Engineer
P.O. Box 869
Salem. VA 24153
Requests for a public hearing must be received on or prior to April 26, 2024. If any requests for a public
hearing are received prior to this date, a notice will be posted on the City’s website detailing the date,
time, and location of the public hearing.
Project Number: UPC 113566; FHWA # RSTP-5128 (431, 505, 506)