Editor’s note: The following message was sent to families of Salem City School Division students last week regarding the division’s cellphone policy.
Dear Salem City School Division Families,
As we prepare for the upcoming school year, I am providing this follow-up communication to ensure that you have the information you need to support the division’s communication device procedures so that every student experiences a cell phone-free education in accordance with Executive Order 33.
For grades PreK-8:
In our elementary and middle schools, all communication devices, including cellphones, smartwatches, and smart glasses, must be “off and away” during the school day. In elementary schools, students should store devices in their cubbies. Middle school students should keep devices in their lockers. While we recommend that students leave these devices at home, we understand that they may be necessary to facilitate communication with family members at the end of the school day.
For high school students:
At the high school level, communication devices must be “off and away” during class. Each classroom is equipped with a cellphone caddie. Upon entering the classroom, students will be expected to turn off their devices and place them in the caddie. They can retrieve their devices from the caddie as they exit the classroom. Students are allowed to use their devices before and after school, between classes, and during their lunch.
Devices security:
Please keep in mind that students are not required to have personal communication devices at school. Therefore, the Salem City School Division is not responsible for these devices at school. If you or your child have concerns about device security as a result of the procedures outlined above, we recommend leaving these devices at home.
Medical conditions:
We understand that some students may need to use their devices to monitor medical conditions. Students who require this accommodation will be allowed to keep their devices with them after providing the necessary documentation from a physician. If your child has a medical condition that requires them to have a device for monitoring purposes, please contact your school nurse to make the appropriate arrangements.
We appreciate your continued cooperation and support in creating a focused and secure learning environment for all students. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s school.
Curtis Hicks