The Board of Equalization for Real Estate Assessments in the City of Salem will meet
on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers
Conference Room at City Hall located at 114 N. Broad Street, Salem, Virginia.
The Board will continue its meeting from time to time thereafter, by adjournments, at and for such time or times, at the same place or such other place or places, as may be designated and deemed necessary by the Board to accomplish and complete its task of equalization of real estate assessments and to perform the duties imposed by law upon the Board.
Said meeting will be adjourned on April 22, 2025, unless the powers of the Board are extended by order of the Circuit Court for the City of Salem. The purpose of the Board
meeting is to equalize property assessments in the City and to hear and give
consideration to all complaints of any inequalities in such assessment so that the
burden of real estate taxation shall rest equally upon all owners.
At its meeting, the Board will hear and decide all inequality protest complaints, whether
made by property owners, the City, or any taxpayer, on appeal to this Board by property owners.
The Board may equalize any assessment by raising, or lowering assessments fixed by the Assessor, in proper cases, in order to make assessments uniform in the City as far as practicable.
If you wish to discuss the assessment with the Board, call (540) 375-3058 for an
appointment by February 21, 2025. Upon request, the Assessor will provide copies of assessment records pertaining to the determination of
fair market value.
Information pertaining to the Assessor’s valuations, along with forms for appeal to the Board of Equalization, may be obtained from the Assessor’s office by calling
(540)3753058, or online at
Kathy Fitzgerald
Wendel Ingram Jr.
David Prosser
Janie Whitlow