at its regular meeting on March 12, 2025, at 7:00 p.m., in Council Chambers, City Hall, 114 North Broad Street, in the City of Salem, Virginia, will hold a public hearing, pursuant to Sections 15.2-2204 and 15.2-2285 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, to consider approval of the following requests relative to the CODE OF THE CITY OF SALEM, VIRGINIA:
- Consider the request of Clipp Family Trust, or assigns, contract purchaser, to rezone the property located at 2381-2383 Roanoke Blvd. (T/M# 225-2-6.1) from HBD Highway Business District with conditions to HBD Highway Business District.
- Consider the request of ABoone Real Estate, Inc., contact purchaser, to rezone the properties located at 1906 Mill Ln. & 1400 blk Penley Blvd. (T/M#s 205-2-5 & 204-13-1) from RSF/AG Residential Single Family/Agriculture Districts & AG Agriculture Districts to RSF Residential Single Family District and for a Special Exception Permit to include both parcels in the Cluster Housing Overlay District.
- Consider the request of R. Fralin Development Corp. & Simms Property, LLC, property owners, to amend rezoning Ordinance #344 and the Special Exception Permit by removing condition #4 relating to the maximum height of 1.5 stories for structures constructed on cluster lots for the properties located at 113 Parker Ln (T/M #273-3-4), 117 Parker Ln (T/M #273-3-5), 121 Parker Ln (T/M #273-3-6), 125 Parker Ln (T/M #273-3-7), 129 Parker Ln (T/M #273-3-8), 133 Parker Ln (T/M #273-3-9), 137 Parker Ln (T/M #273-3-10), 141 Parker Ln (T/M #288-3-12), 142 Parker Ln (T/M #288-3-11), 134 Parker Ln (T/M #288-3-9), 130 Parker Ln (T/M #288-3-8), 126 Parker Ln (T/M #288-3-7), 122 Parker Ln (T/M #288-3-6), 118 Parker Ln (T/M #288-3-5), 114 Parker Ln (T/M #288-3-4), and 211 Diamond Rd, (T/M #272-2-1).
Copies of the proposed plans, ordinances or amendments may be examined in the Office of Community Development, 21 South Bruffey Street, Salem, Virginia.
At said hearing, parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard relative to the said requests.
BY: Christopher J. Dorsey
Executive Secretary