The Regional Commission is working to update the Roanoke Valley – Alleghany Region’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Plan, required by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, identifies historic hazard information, assesses regional vulnerability, and then outlines goals and strategies towards reducing vulnerability to natural disasters. It was last updated in 2019.
“This is a timely and important update that will be in the forefront of people’s minds following Hurricane Helene this fall. Natural disasters such as flooding, landslides, and tropical storms are among some of the hazards we will explore in this update of the plan,” stated Amanda McGee, director of community development.
A survey will be open from Feb. 10 to March 21 to allow citizens to provide information about their lived experiences of natural disasters in our region. More information about the Plan can be found at
Public input meetings are planned for later in the process. A full timeline of activities is available on the plan website.
-The Salem Times-Register