Gov. Glenn Youngkin announced the recipients of the 2024 Governor’s Fire Service Awards last month, and Salem is one of the winners. These prestigious awards that were established in 2002, recognize excellence in Virginia’s fire service in communities throughout the commonwealth.
On May 11 of last year, Salem Fire & EMS collaborated with the Southwest Virginia Chapter of the American Red Cross for a smoke alarm installation event. This critical initiative focused on mobile home parks in the East Salem area and 97 new smoke detectors were installed in one day. A total of 72 homes and 177 individuals were assisted and positively impacted by this worthwhile fire safety awareness plan.
“These award recipients embody excellence, dedication, and leadership in the fire service, and I am honored to recognize their contributions to public safety across the commonwealth,” said Youngkin. “In collaboration with Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security Terry Cole, we celebrate and thank these recipients for their unwavering dedication and commitment to safeguarding our commonwealth.”
-The Salem Times-Register