The judges declared Brad Amburn’s B-Dubya’s BBQ the first place winner in the second Pork By the James Seriously Smokin’ Barbeque Competition Saturday in Buchanan. Chris Padgett’s Backyard Q got the nod for the second time in the public’s voting for the People’s Choice Award.
The event attracted several hundred BBQ tasters who enjoyed the evening tastings then enjoyed a concert by Groova Scape.
Robbi Gendreau’s BBQ took second place and Kevin Conner’s Squals on Wheels BBQ was the judge’s third place choice.
The second BBQ competition again followed the community’s second triathlon, the Buchanan Tri— Run, Ride & River Race that attracted 78 participants this year. They ran through town, rode bikes to Springwood and paddled down the James back to Buchanan over a 20-mile course.
Sean Workowski proved the race doesn’t always go the youngest. The 49-year-old Fincastle resident won the Buchanan Tri Men’s Division in 1:47:32, a time that was right at 20 minutes better than last year’s winning time.

Another 49-year-old, Brian Lang of Roanoke, was second, two minutes behind Workowski, and 54-year-old Dave Segars was third in 1:54:13.
The competition was much tighter than a year ago in the Men’s Division and points to the potential for some very competitive running, peddling and paddling in the future. Besides the top three places, five other men finished the race in under 2 hours.
Age wasn’t a factor in the Female Division either. Sharon Woolridge, 53, was the first female to cross the finish line. She won the division in 2:16:16, a 14-minute improvement over the winning time in the first Buchanan Tri last year.
Dana Fanning, 45, was second. She was almost 5 minutes behind Woolridge, and Wendy Moon, 53, was third in the ladies’ division in 2:27:47.
The team of Daniel Sumner, Catie Sumner and Brayden Zanks won the Relay Division with a combined time of 1:58:24. All are in their late 20s.
The Pork by the James Seriously Smokin’ Barbeque Competition and the companion concert focused on raising awareness and money for the James River High School FFA Chapter and its trip with 16 members to the National FFA Convention and Expo in October.
After expenses, the Special Events Committee that sponsored the BBQ and concert will announce the proceeds and present a check to the JRHS FFA.