The Salem Museum recently announced a community art show to celebrate Salem! The Celebrate Salem Community Art Show is open to artists of any age, from any locality, but all artwork must depict a Salem person, place or thing.
Artists can register and drop off art on Friday and Saturday, July 6-7, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Works will be placed and open to the public on Saturday, July 14, and the show closes on September 6. Artwork must be picked up on Friday and Saturday, September 7-8, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. unless other arrangements are made. All art must be the artist’s own original work and ready to display. Visit to download the artists’ guidelines and the required entry forms.
The art show and prizes, including a People’s Choice Award, are generously sponsored by Bill and Ellen Arnold. Voting for the People’s Choice Awards will take place from July 14 through July 28, with one vote per visitor per day.
On the opening day, visitors to the Salem Museum will be able to meet artists who will provide demonstrations and offer hands-on opportunities for visitors to explore a variety of materials and techniques, to try it out for themselves. Artists interested in sharing their skills with our guests should email Fran Ferguson at
Admission to the Celebrate Salem Art Show is free, but donations are appreciated.
– Submitted by Frances Ferguson, Salem Museum & Historical Society Executive Director