Girl Scouts of Craig are now having their annual cookie sales. Interested individuals can place an order by contacting 540-777-5100. From left to right, Maren (Brownie Scout), Holly (Junior Scout), McKenna (Cadette Scout), Meghan (Leader) and Lilly (Daisy Scout).
Pam Dudding Contributing writer
Few people can say no to a Girl Scout when they look up and ask the question, “Will you buy a box of Girl Scout cookies to help me and my troop?”
Girl Scouts was started in Craig County back in the mid-60s, as Betty Dudding and other caring ladies started the different troops for the local young girls.
Last Saturday Troop 792, including Girl Scouts of the Daisy’s, Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes, set up their cookies with joy to sell to anyone who entered Food Country.
Their leader, Meghan All, and other parents were there to assist, but the girls did a fantastic job of explaining what cookies they had.
The Girl Scouts that sold cookies were: Maren (Brownie Scout), Holly (Junior Scout), McKenna (Cadette Scout), Meghan (Leader) and Lilly (Daisy Scout).
Many people didn’t even have to be asked. They came straight to their table to buy the ever-famous Girl Scout Cookies.
One lady said, “Oh, I’m so happy that they are now made by the Little Brownie Bakers again because they taste so good.”
Another lady asked the girls, “Do you have two boxes of my favorite cookie, thin mints?” Quickly, they rushed over to their cases that were stacked up and brought her the cookies with big smiles.
Cookies are $5.00 per box this year and the troop gets to keep a portion to use on their projects. The sale ends on Monday, March 9.
Eight flavors are available for purchase: Lemon-Ups, Thin Mints, Toffee-Tastic, Tagalongs, Girl Scout S’Mores, Do-Si-Dos, Trefoils and Samoas.
With the money they make, Girl Scouts of Craig County have some ideas for future projects. That depends on how many cookies they are able to sell.
They are hoping to make Easter treats for community children who benefited from the Angel TWree project at Christmas and to help senior citizens in the community by making them blessing bags.
Any girl wishing to join the Girl Scouts can contact Meghan All or one of the parents. The cost is $25, and its paid to the Virginia Skyline Council. Troops’ dues are collected each May and December for only $10. Financial aid, however, is available.
They meet twice a month, the second and fourth Monday of each month, from 6 to 7 p.m. at Cornerstone Church, for girls ages kindergarten through sixth-grade.
Currently, there are 12 girls in the Craig County Girl Scouts. “We are happy to have more girls join us,” adult leaders said.
Plans for fun things to do in the spring and summer, as well as work on their Girl Scout badges, are currently being discussed.