Delegate Greg Habeeb winning his fifth business award since joining the House of Delegates in 2011.
The Virginia Chamber of Commerce has recognized Delegate Greg Habeeb (R-Salem) with the Distinguished Advocate for Virginia Business award for his “A” voting record during the 2017 General Assembly Session. The award was presented at the Chamber’s 93rd annual dinner in May along with the release of the Chamber’s annual legislative report card.
“The Virginia Chamber of Commerce is pleased to recognize Delegate Habeeb with the ‘Distinguished Advocate for Virginia Business’ award for his record of voting in support of policies that improve Virginia’s business climate,” said Ryan Dunn, Executive Vice President of Corporate and Government Affairs for the Virginia Chamber of Commerce. “When we advance policies that support private sector job creation and make Virginia a better place to do business, Virginia wins.”
This is Habeeb’s fifth time receiving the Distinguished Advocate for Virginia Business award since joining the House of Delegates in 2011. In 2015, he was awarded the Champion of Free Enterprise Award for his A+ voting record.
-Submitted by Jeremy Ruch