Aila Boyd aboyd@mainstreetnewspapers.com

A strategic planning meeting related to Salem’s economic development was held on Oct. 20 in the Community Room of the Salem Civic Center.
As part of the meeting, business leaders who are part of the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce heard from Salem Economic Development Director Tommy Miller, then participated in a brainstorming session to identify economic development priorities for the city.
The topics that were covered included marketing efforts, business climate, city infrastructure, planning items like partnerships and initiatives, quality of life amenities like parks and entertainment, real estate and workforce.
Following the brainstorming session that led to the creation of a list of priorities, attendees voted on the priorities they felt are most important.
Some of the suggestions from attendees included the need for retailers like Target and Trader Joe’s, efforts to retain college students after they graduate, a survey of what the community thinks of itself, the building out of the downtown area, additional coworking spaces, support for independent businesses and increased
access to public transportation.
“I think there was a lot captured here,” Miller said. “We’re going to have a number of these other stakeholder meetings in the next few weeks.”
Another economic development strategic planning meeting will be held from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 28 at the Salem Museum. The meeting will follow the same structure of the meeting that was held last seek. To RSVP for the meeting, contact Salem Economic Development 540-375-3007.
Miller said he hopes to unveil a plan by the end of the first quarter of 2023 related to the city’s economic development initiatives.