By Benita VanCleave
Enjoy reading your favorite magazines wherever you go with a mobile device, tablet or computer and a card from any public library in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Magzter provides a wide selection of digital magazines available in English, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese and Arabic. Android and iOS users can download the Magzter Library app from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. It can also be accessed on your computer browser through the link on or your local library website.
To register your account, enter an email address and Magzter will send you an OTP code. Enter the code, select your library and enter your library card number and enjoy reading.
Access to Magzter Library began Oct. 1, replacing free access to magazines provided through Overdrive that ended Sept. 30. It is one of dozens of databases made available to all local libraries through Find It Virginia (, a service of the Library of Virginia. Find It Virginia is supported by federal funds provided from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, fulfilling its purpose to ensure all residents of the commonwealth have equal access to essential resources for lifelong learning. Look at all the possibilities for learning on and recommend the website to people you know that need the services provided.