From the 1938 centennial edition of The Times-Register
In operating a modern department store like the S. H. Heironimus company, much attention to detail and convenience of customers is necessary. The shopper does not always realize what steps have been necessary to assure modern methods of merchandizing.
In the first place store arrangement is important and it will be noted that the S. H. Heironimus company planned well in outfitting and rebuilding their store. Purchasing merchandise is an art in itself and the buyers of this company, through years of experience, are enabled to give the customer the best values of their money.
A House of Service
However, this company does more than buy and sell merchandise, for service is provided that is only remotely connected with sales. For instances, this store has a three-bed hospital on their fifth floor, so that any customer who becomes ill can be cared for in an emergency. In case the patient needs to be taken to a hospital the firm is prepared to make the arrangements.
A special mail order service is provided for out of town customers and such orders receive prompt attention. This department of their store has been an important one for a number of years.
Seventeen windows on Campbell Avenue and First Street, S. W. are used and the models are most life-like since the company desires to show the apparel as it will appear when worn.
On the fifth floor of this building is an assembly room where employees and also group meetings. This room is also used without charge by organizations.
Last but not least it should be said that this firm believes in the liberal use of advertising and makes an effort to present the truth at all times in such advertising.
Because of the fact that the store is well organized with coordination between departments, the firm has prospered. Nothing has been left undone to assure the best service to the people of Southwest Virginia.