Has the early spring weather and higher food prices got you eager to start planting your garden? The flower, herb and vegetable seeds in the Seed Library at the Salem Public Library are going fast if that is any indication of the level of interest. According to information from the Virginia Cooperative Extension service, it’s okay to start some plants indoors, but be aware of the last frost dates for your area before you plant outside. Need more information? Find a large collection of books and information about everything related to gardening and horticulture at the Salem Public Library including handouts printed from the Virginia Cooperative Extension website with the Virginia Hardiness Zone Map (also on VCE website, www.ext.vt.edu).
Educational beekeeper, Vasilla McCrady, from Blue Ridge, will present a program on Heritage Apiary Bees at the Salem Public Library on Monday, March 20 at 4 p.m. Get up close and personal with the bees at work with an observation hive. Explore how bees work, socialize, and eat together. See firsthand the role each bee has, their love for their colony, and their desire to be part of the team. Learn about the important role the bee plays in our environment and what each of us can do to protect them. Registration Required: www.salemlibrary.info