The Botetourt County Historical Society announced it is holding two book signings for its “Botetourt County & The War Between the States” in April.
The compilation of articles that appeared in The Fincastle Herald during the sesquicentennial of the American Civil War has been compiled into book form and will be available Thursday, April 27 in the Historical Society Museum in Fincastle prior to the society’s annual meeting.
The BCHS is now taking pre-sale orders at a discounted price of $25 through April 30. The regular price will be $30 after April 30.
The 102 pages of Botetourt history were written as a series of articles by The Fincastle Herald Editor Edwin L. McCoy between April 2011 and April 2015. McCoy and Montgomery Publishing Co., which owned The Fincastle Herald at the time, agreed to donate the articles to the BCHS to be published as a collection. All proceeds from the sale of the book go to the BCHS to be used for educational purposes.
The softbound book includes all the articles and photographs that appeared in the series plus some additional history and photographs of individual soldiers from Botetourt who fought during the Civil War.
McCoy will do a book signing prior to the BCHS annual meeting at the Botetourt County Historical Museum in Fincastle from 5-7 p.m. and again from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday, April 29 in the Buchanan Community House/Wilson Warehouse during the Buchanan Civil War History Weekend.