On Saturday, Dec. 16, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Salem Museum will host a World War II holiday living history special event. With the most destructive conflict in human history having ended just a few months earlier, Christmas, 1945, was particularly joyful.
To share the spirit of the celebration, the Salem Museum will host a display of World War Two military and home front artifacts. Visitors will experience a glimpse of how Christmas was celebrated during wartime with period music from the 1940s, decorations, cards, and soldiers’ gifts. The display will include souvenirs and captured war trophies brought back by the victorious troops, and show some of the various ways that service members fought boredom and homesickness. This event is presented by the 24th Virginia Infantry Living Historians.
Also, on Dec. 16 at the Salem Museum at noon, the Fort Lewis Chapter of the NSDAR will hold a Wreaths Across America Veterans memorial ceremony. After the conclusion of the ceremony, chapter members and volunteers will place wreaths on the graves of veterans buried in East Hill Cemetery and East Hill North Cemetery.
-The Salem Times-Register