I saw an article this morning called “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” on TV. No programs talking about the Mass of Christ, nothing about the Christ Child.
You can argue that Christ probably wasn’t born on December 25. It probably wasn’t. You can also argue that the celebration was started by the Catholic Church and pig-tailed upon a pagan holiday. It really doesn’t matter. The holiday is celebrated for the birth of the son of God. It should be a solemn day and at the same time joyous. It’s not supposed to be an excuse for you to spend presents on your children, just so you can outspend your neighbor.
Why don’t you try this Christmas to make it an opportunity to spend time with your family? Give your kids the present of your presence. Tell your kids the story, not about Santa Claus, but the true story about Saint Nicklaus and his gifts of charity.
If you’re wealthy and can afford to give something to your children, that’s fine. But, also, teach them to give some of your wealth to those who are really in need, lonely or homeless.
For our world, unwrap the true, wonderful present from our Lord, the gift of His son, the Christ child, our Savior. That will begin to look a lot like Christmas.
-Gerald Brittain