Andrew Lewis Middle School came out on top in the biggest middle school wrestling tournament of the season last Saturday. The Wolverines had two champions as they won the Northside Invitational at Northside High School. “We had seven finalists, three champs, two thirds and two fourths,” said Lewis coach Randall Sell. “Everyone we entered won at least one match to contribute to our team total.”
Winning individual championships were Keenan Helm at 77 pounds, Derek Bush at 105 and Davon Jones at 152. Runnerup finishers were Sayge Herndon at 84, Jayceon Preston at 175, Robert Herndon at 210 and Jake James at heavyweight. Jaylon Chapman and Rocket Cowling were third at 136 and 160 and Lewis had two fourths, Nick Baxley at 98 and Aedon Wiley at 128.

Lewis(left in
photo) battles
a Northside
opponent in
last Saturday’s
N o r t h s i d e
I n v i t a t i o n a l
middle school
The win capped off an undefeated season for the Wolverines. They finished 21-0 with wins in the Andrew Lewis Duals, the Star City Duals and the Northside tournament. “I am extremely proud of the kids and the hard work they put in this year,” said Sell. Glenvar was also in the tournament and the Highlanders finished fourth. Most middle school teams in the greater Roanoke Valley participated in the season finale.