Logan signs a copy of his book as attendees fraternize with each other.
An official release party at Parkway Brewery Company to celebrate Logan Doughty’s first book “Fearless: A Women’s Guide To Personal Self-Protection” took place on Sunday, March 26. With many friends and family in attendance, Logan spoke on what having their support meant to him. “Thank you all for showing up today,” he said. “I’m very appreciative of all the support.”
A martial arts teacher for over two decades, Logan says he’s always been interested in writing. Several years ago, he decided to broaden the scope of his classes by creating little handbooks. “Basically, what I did was put together my entire concepts and theories on women’s self-protection into a written format with a lot of illustrations,” he said. “Essentially, it’s my class in written form.”
Just over 190 pages, “Fearless” is essentially a book that provides insightful guidance and practical steps enabling women to design an approach to self-protection that fits their lifestyle. “There are a lot of myths associated with women’s self-defense. Like ‘stranger danger’ for instance. We are four times more likely to encounter danger from somebody that we know,” Logan said.
Teresa Berry, who wrote the forward for “Fearless”, says she met Logan at an event a few years ago. “I am the executive director for SARA which stands for Sexual Assault Response and Awareness,” she said. ““Logan has been working on this book and this event for several years. He reached out to me about doing the forward and I was honored to do that. He’s got a fantastic message for people to hear.”
As a result of the overwhelming reaction he’s received from “Fearless”, Logan says he plans on writing more books in the future. “There is no question that I will be publishing more books. I address the issues as they exist, not what people try to make them,” he said.
In part because he consistently attends events that are specific to both men and women rights, Logan is aware of what’s going on in the community “People can purchase my book at pspqualified.com and from the local book stores,” he said. “I also post upcoming events and additional information on my Facebook page.”