, at its regular meeting on January 15, 2025, at 7:00 p.m., in Council Chambers, City Hall, 114 North Broad Street, in the City of Salem, Virginia, will hold a public hearing, pursuant to Sections 15.2-2204 and 15.2-2285 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, to consider approval of the following requests relative to the CODE OF THE CITY OF SALEM, VIRGINIA:
1.Consider the request of Heather Pollard, contract purchaser, for the issuance of a Special Exception Permit to allow a personal service, beauty salon, on the property located at 707 South Colorado Street, Tax Map 160-7-3.
2.Consider the request of Patrick and Jamie Snead to amend Chapter 106 Zoning, Article III Use and Design Standards, Section 106-304.17(B)(6) Townhouse, of the CODE OF THE CITY OF SALEM, VIRGINIA pertaining to setbacks for townhouses.
3.Consider amending Chapter 66 Signs, Article IV Permitted Signs by Use and District, Section 66-105 Permitted Signs, of the CODE OF THE CITY OF SALEM, VIRGINIA pertaining to wall signs.
Copies of the proposed plans, ordinances or amendments may be examined in the Office of Community Development, 21 South Bruffey Street, Salem, Virginia.
At said hearing, parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard relative to the said requests.
BY: Christopher J. Dorsey
Executive Secretary