Dr. Carolyn A. Roth published Connecting the Church Calendar earlier this summer. The book’s focus is church seasons, i.e., Advent, Epiphany, Pentecost. A local author, Roth lives in Roanoke, Virginia. Jim Forney, also of Roanoke, was the photographer.
“In the liturgical year, we live life with Jesus day-after-day until finally one day, Jesus’ life becomes our own,” Forney said.
Roth contended that only as we integrate the church calendar into our lives, do we become the message of Jesus. A reviewer (Dr. Charles Ross) wrote “The church seasons with their beauty, depth of meaning, discipline and hope are God’s gifts to all of us. And, at just the right time, the kairos moment, God gives us Carolyn Roth’s book.”
Connecting the Church Calendar was written for church laity. Contributors include laypersons, i.e., housewives, teachers, retirees and college students, and diverse clergy, to include Catholics, Baptists, Lutherans and Mennonites. The book is a timely Advent or Christmas gift.
Connecting the Church Calendar can be purchased in paperback and electronic versions from Amazon and Roth’s website (www.CarolynRothMinistry.com). In the Roanoke area, it is sold at Book No Further on Church Street in Roanoke and the Cambria Emporium in Christiansburg, Virginia.
-Submitted by Jim Forney