Forty-Eight Years Old – Uses Golden Rule As Motto – Several Head Firm
From the 1938 centennial edition of The Times-Register
When a store grows to the ripe age of forty-eight years as the S. H. Heironimus Co. establishment has done, there has to be a reason, when the fact is taken into consideration that the average store life is something like twelve years. First a store must have a purpose before it can hope to last and this pre-eminence was not gained by the Heironimus company through any merchandising legerdemain, by juggling of standards to meet a temporary market, or for extra gain or by trading up and down as opportunism offered. No, Heironimus created the store’s present status by devoting itself to giving the most of standard merchandise for the consumer’s dollar. This, together with fair trade practices, and by offering every possible convenience and service, has made the Heironimus store what it is today.
This S. H. Heironimus Co., started business in one small store room on Commerce Street in Roanoke in 1890 when it adopted its ideal – that of always attempting to conform to a standard of perfection. And for its creed it took that of the Golden Rule “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
The Store Founders
This store was founded by Messers S. H. Heironimus and L. K. Brugh, who built up a good business from a modest beginning. Neither of these gentlemen have been with the firm for some years but the company has marched into to great heights in successful merchandising, so that at the present time they firm’s name is familiar in every nook and corner of Southwest Virginia.
In 1905 Mr. Brugh severed his connection with the firm and the store was incorporated under the name of S. H. Heironimus & Co., the establishment taking its name from the president of the company and Mr. H. D. Heironimus was named secretary and treasurer.
- H. Heironimus severed his connection with the firm in 1913 and has a result of the reorganization Mr. Lynn became president and Mr. C. B. Cole came into the firm as vice-president. Mr. L. D. Daniel, now deceased, who had come into the firm some years before, became secretary-treasurer.
With each succeeding year the store has grown large. Mr. Lynn, who was a native of Prince William County, became associated with the firm soon after the store was started.
New Store Head
When Mr. Lynn died in 1936 his son, Rover L. Lynn, became president, and under his energetic management the store has continued to expand so that it is recognized as the outstanding mercantile establishment of Southwest Virginia. The present head of the firm graduated from the Jefferson high school and the Virginia Military Institute. Following this training he took a course in merchandising at Columbia university and he has studied all angles of the modern methods of conducting a department store. Mr. Lynn takes a keen interest in giving greater service to the customers of the store so that the business has continued to grow under his management.
Other Firm Members
Henry D. Gray, who came with the store as a package boy in 1890, was made assistant accessory and hosiery buyer in 1893. He became a member of the form in 1897 at which time he was made a director. When Mr. C. B. Cole left the firm in 1925, Mr. Gray was made secretary-treasurer, a title he holds today. He was born in Buchanan, Va.
Ralph K. Baker come with the firm August 10, 1908, taking a position in the piece goods department. In 1909 he was placed in charge of the white goods department and in 1921 he bought an interest in the firm. He was promoted to assistant buyer but when this country became involved in the World War he joined the Virginia Coast Artillery, a unit of the Rainbow division with whom he served for eighteen months in France. After the way her returned to Heironimus in his old capacity. At the death Mr. R. Lee Lynn he was made vice-president. Mr. Baker was born in Roanoke.
After becoming associated with the store as a clerk in 1901, Thomas J. Kind was made a member of the firm in 1913. For a number of years he served as credit manager and later he took charge of the interior decorating and furniture departments, the capacity in which he serves at present. he is a native of Henry County, Virginia.
– Prepared by Lingjie Gu