Photo courtesy of Sarah Williams

Alex Williams, a senior at Virginia’s Salem High School who is working on his final Eagle Scout qualification project, visited the Scrugg’s Boat Landing on Nov. 10 to install a loaner life jacket stand for use by those who launch their boats at the DWR public launch ramp.
Williams, who hopes to become an engineer, designed and built the stand, which includes a metal roof for weather protection, an informative sign detailing proper life jacket use, and hooks for displaying up to 20 life jackets for use-and-return by boaters.
“Alex has been a member of Salem’s Scout Troop 76 since first grade,” said his proud onlooking mom, Sarah. He and his dad Joe–a Special Agent with Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources who has spent 17 years with that Agency–have spent time on the water together ever since Alex was a kid, Sarah further explained. “As a family, we’ve long been committed to boating safety, and Alex wanted everyone–especially kids–to have free and easy access to the life-saving practice of wearing a properly-fitting flotation device.”
To accomplish his project, Alex–who also plays trumpet with the Salem High School “Pride of Salem” band–submitted his plan for a life jacket loaner station to Blue Ridge Mountain Council’s Eagle Scout Review Board. Receiving its approval and encouragement, he spent a year fundraising through the “Go Fund Me” app and countless personal presentations. Nearly $1700 was raised to cover the costs of materials and sign printing at Fast Signs in Salem.
Another critical step was to connect with Sea Tow SML, which maintains life jacket loaner stands at eight other marina and launch ramp locations at Smith Mountain Lake. “We were more than delighted with his plan for an eye-catching display at Scruggs Ramp,” said Sea Tow franchise co-owner Capt. Nancy Ellett, ”and immediately agreed to stock Alex’s stand with U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets provided by the Sea Tow Foundation.”
Alex was assisted in the installation by several friends who have already earned the Eagle Scout rank. With the loaner stand now in place and stocked, Alex will return to the Eagle Scout Review Board to present documentation of the completion of his life-saving project and, with their approval of his work, be awarded coveted lifetime recognition as an Eagle Scout.
Said his mom, Sarah, “Alex is looking forward to advising other Scouts who are working toward Eagle Scout service and recognition.”
-Jerry Hale