Edmee CR Hasler
Contributing writer
The first day of the Salem Farmers Market 2024 season is Saturday, March 30. Vendors will offer up locally grown fresh foods and vegetables from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. on Saturdays. “Typically, on most Saturdays in the summer, we’ll have the market full, which is 25 stalls,” said Isaac Campbell, Salem Farmers Market manager.
New for the Salem Farmers Market this summer season is the market’s approval as a Certified Farmers Market. “The purpose of the certification is to recognize markets in the state that meet and exceed best practices at farmers markets,” Campbell said. This means accountability and high-quality products for customers. “This is a way for markets to distinguish themselves to consumers, vendors, and their communities. The Salem Farmers Market is one of the first markets in the state to go through the certification process.”
Markets are judged in these categories: Food safety, professional development, food origin, food access, equity, consumer education, market visibility, marketing and outreach, public safety and data. The Salem Farmers Market hit the Gold Standard in all areas.
An important program at the Salem Farmers Market that started last year is The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition. “The program gives eligible seniors in our community $50 in farmers market checks to shop for local produce, and aims to reduce food insecurity in our older populations
while also supporting local farms,” Campbell said. Last year, $50,000 was distributed to eligible seniors in the greater Roanoke/Salem community. “It is a win-win for everyone involved, and we look to expand the program this season at the market.” Campbell would like to see even more participants come to the market and redeem the vouchers. “It was a very popular program last year,” Campbell said.
The EBT program will be offered again this season. For 12 years, Salem Farmers Market has led in accepting EBT, debit, and credit cards, matching EBT charges dollar for dollar with grant funding, doubling spending power for food assistance recipients. In 2023, $22,000 in credit tokens and $11,000 in EBT/SNAP Match tokens were sold directly benefiting vendors. In 2024, additional grant funding will continue EBT matching, ensuring affordability for healthy food.
The Salem Farmers Market will be introducing the Junior Farmer Program later in the summer. Families visiting the market with children will receive an educational booklet on local agriculture, nutrition, and conservation. Children will receive market bucks to shop for produce and engage in curriculum activities.
The Salem Farmers Market is also doing their part in addressing hunger. The Giving Garden, a volunteer-operated community garden adjacent to the farmers market, donates all its produce to local partners, including the Salem-Roanoke County Food Pantry, HopeTree Family Services, and Family Promise. Additionally, there is a weekly pop-up market at the food pantry, providing fresh produce to anyone in need, along with cooking demonstrations and nutrition outreach.