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Did you know that you could learn about a British soldier in the Revolutionary War just from his uniform?
For example, these buttons show that the soldier served in the 23rd Regiment of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. These British soldiers fought in many important battles throughout the Revolutionary War.
To learn more about the life of a British Soldier, visit the Salem Museum for their monthly Speaker Series featuring “For King and Country: The Life of the British Soldier” on Thursday, August 15 at 7pm.
Presented by Jeff Briggs of the Fincastle Company. TV shows and movies have spread many myths and inaccuracies about the British soldiers who fought in the American Revolution. Briggs will present little known facts about the British Army in general and the British soldier in particular. He will explain the uniform and equipment worn and used by the British soldiers.
There will also be Colonial living historians at the museum on Sept. 7 for Andrew Lewis Day.
On July 4, 2026, the United States will celebrate the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. In preparation for this significant anniversary, the Virginia American Revolution 250 Commission (VA250) is encouraging programming to commemorate the Revolution. This talk is a VA250 event.