As interest in the career of noted twentieth century illustrator and Salemite Walter Biggs surges, the Salem Museum has announced that its prestigious new research collection on the noted artist is now available to researchers.
The Don Gunter Research Papers: Walter Biggs Collection comprises the astounding work of noted Biggs scholar Don Gunter, a former editor of the “Dictionary of Virginia Biography,” whose exploration of Biggs’ life and legacy extends across multiple decades. Biggs was a prolific impressionist whose work graced the covers of numerous magazines and stories; the Gunter Research Papers reflect a detailed study of Biggs’ extraordinary career. Materials in the collection include files, images, correspondence, catalogs, and art and files by Biggs’ wife, Mildred. Access to these materials is available by appointment only.
The Gunter Research Papers are housed in the Logan Research Library of the Salem Museum and Historical Society, located in the historic 1845 Williams-Brown House at 801 East Main Street, Salem, VA. Researchers can view the files at the Logan Research Library by appointment on Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The library can be reached at library@salemmuseum.org to schedule appointments. Admission is free, but donations are always appreciated. The Museum has free parking. The entrance is at the Oakey Field Complex sign. 540-389-6760. salemmuseum.org.