Jacob Conklin
Jacob Conklin of Salem recently earned the rank of Eagle Scout within the Boy Scouts of America organization. He is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He is also with Scout Troop number 449 chartered thru the LDS Church.
Conklin was presented this high honor at an Eagle Scout Court of Honor at Camp Ward Haven on April 15, which is operated by the Roanoke Valley Baptist Association and located in Bradshaw, Virginia.
For the project, Conklin cleared an overgrown trail and raised money to create a new outdoor cooking area at the camp near the main pavilion.
For the outdoor cooking facility, Conklin built the picnic table. He installed a park grill. He also built an enclosed area for the trash can to keep animals out. The camp did not have such amenities before this project.
Conklin stated “he is grateful to those at Camp Ward Haven who gave him this opportunity for service at their location.” He is appreciative for the assistance of his scout troop along with fellow church members, friends and family for their contribution of their time in helping him complete this project.
Conklin is a senior at Salem High School. He has been accepted into the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech. Prior to attending college, he plans to serve a mission for his church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
-Submitted by Jennifer Brown