Aila Boyd
Salem voters went to the polls on Tuesday to cast their ballots in the Republican Party primary election for the United States Senate. All precincts voted at the Salem Civic Center.
Early, no-excuse voting at the Salem Registrar’s Office took place Monday through Friday from May 3-June 15, with the office also being open for Saturday voting on June 8 and 15. May 28 was the last day to update one’s registration or register to vote in the primary.
The results are as follows according to the Virginia Department of Elections website as of presstime: Hung Cao ( % in Salem and % in Virginia), Edward C. “Eddie” Garcia Jr. ( % in Salem and % in Virginia), Jonathan W. Emord ( % in Salem and % in Virginia), C.L. “Chuck” Smith, Jr. ( % in Salem and % in Virginia) and Scott Thomas Parkinson ( % in Salem and % in Virginia). The winner will be on the November ballot for the seat currently held by Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine.