Photo(s) by Shawn Nowlin

From the start, it was apparent that both Salem and Glenvar High School were fully invested in this year’s cornhole tournament that took place on October 22 at Salem’s Greenhill Park. The purpose of the annual event is to raise money for the non-denominational Christian youth organization Young Life.
Young Life Area Director Jeff Lakin had one rule for all of the participants: have fun: “We chose to do cornhole over a golf tournament or fundraiser because it is something that everyone can do,” he said. “Sunday’s tournament fundraiser benefits all of the Young Life programs which includes high school kids, middle school kids, special needs kids and college students.” According to its website, kids, Jesus and relationships are the three things Young Life is about.
Mike Snow served as a cornhole tournament volunteer this year. “Young Life was not present where I grew up. I know that if it had been, I probably would have been able to make some better decisions during a hard part of my life,” he said.
Shelly Fisher and Jennifer Yerston were among the many parents who rooted for their children during the cornhole tournament. “It doesn’t get much better than spending a few hours at Greenhill Park with friends for a worthy cause,” Fisher said.
Jennifer added: “Young Life is 100 percent locally supported so Sunday’s fundraiser was a great way to demonstrate the impact it’s making on our communities.”
Never one to pass up an opportunity to compete against his friends, Jonathan Witmer says that his cornhole skills are above average. “I’m a pretty competitive person,” said the Glenvar High School student with a smile. “I certainly had better results than some of my friends.”
Scott Habeeb had a good feeling that this year’s cornhole tournament would be a success. When it was all said and done, the ultimate goal of raising money while giving people a glimpse of what the organization is all about was accomplished.
“Young Life leaders are missionaries to young people,” said the Salem High School Principal. “Just like some people might travel to another country to share their faith, Young Life leaders travel into the lives of teenagers to love and support them.”