What is your earliest Salem memory?
I grew up in Salem. I have several fond memories of my family and childhood. Riding my bike around the block and playing with friends, visiting my grandparents and playing at Mowles Spring Park are just a few.
Are you a glass half full or empty type of person?
Definitely half full! I would like to think I’m a positive person. I look for the best in people and in situations.
What does an average week look like for you?
Monday through Friday, I work at SERVPRO during the day. Sometimes this involves Kiwanis meetings and Chamber committee meetings. In the evenings, I try to exercise two or three times a week. I go to the Parks & Rec Total Sculpt Class with Marina on Mondays and Wednesdays. I joined Workout Anytime Gym to exercise other times with my workout buddy Carolyn Minix. Kathy Murphy and I are co-chairs for this year’s Salem Relay for Life and we have meetings in the evenings twice a month. I like to find fun things to do with my family and friends on the weekends! I also enjoy attending Fellowship Community Church on Sunday mornings.
How would you describe your family?
My family is so special to me. My husband Mark and I have been married for 37 years and have two children – Stephen and Kerri. Kerri is engaged to our future son-in-law – Sonny! We also have two grand dogs – Hunter and Minnie and just recently added a new family member – Beaux. Beaux is a six-month-old Hound Mix that we adopted and he has stolen our hearts. Other family members include: my sister and brother–in-law Linda and Butch, my sister-in-law Cheryl and my nephew- Ryan; my brothers and sisters-in-law –Bill and Carolyn, Paul and Denise; my sister-in-law and brother-in-law Sheri and Randy and all their children and grandchildren.
As a Business Development Coordinator with SERVPRO, what do your responsibilities consist of?
My job is to keep the SERVPRO name top of mind for people. I call on insurance agents, property managers, apartment managers, city officials and provide them with information about ways SERVPRO can help them or their clients . This is a great company that helps people get through difficult times – like fires and water damages. Lisa and Quinn Mongan own the SERVPRO franchise that I work for. They are great friends and great people to work under. They are very community oriented and are involved in many organizations and activities that help make Salem so wonderful. As part of my job, I also am involved in civic organizations- the Salem Kiwanis and the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce.
What exactly is Lisa Bain?
Hopefully a person that people can count on and trust.
What is your favorite thing to do in Salem?
There are many activities that I enjoy taking part in with my family and friends in Salem. A few include: Salem Football games, Wednesday night trivia at Parkway Brewery with Commander Bain’s team, Salem Red Sox baseball games and Salem After 5 events. One of the best things I have participated in has been the Salem Fire-EMS Citizen’s Academy! This was a great experience provided by Salem’s finest!
If you were to hit the lottery next week, what would you do?
I would like to be able to travel. I love taking trips with my family and friends! Also, we do have a wedding coming up next year so a lottery win would help make the day extra special for Kerri and Sonny.
What is your proudest accomplishment to date?
My children are my proudest accomplishment! My husband Mark and I are so proud of both of them and the young adults they have become! Stephen is a financial advisor for Partners in Financial Planning in Salem. Kerri has just begun her career as a Physical Therapist. Mark and I are tremendously blessed.
If you could go back and give an 18-year-old Lisa some advice, what would you say?
Time flies – make the most of every day! Work hard but also have FUN! Appreciate the special people in your life. Listen to stories that your parents and grandparents tell you –learn as much as you can about their lives before you! Pray a lot!!