Keynote speaker Cathy Maxfield Coleman
The Ladies of Vision (LOV) Ministry invites you to their 5th Annual Domestic Violence Conference, “The New Me- No More Scars”, on Saturday April 1, 2017, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The conference will be held at the Shiloh Baptist Church, Fellowship Hall, 201 S. Market Street, Salem.
The Keynote Speaker is Mrs. Cathy Maxfield Coleman from Richmond, Virginia. Ms. Coleman is a survivor of domestic violence, and has worked for the Virginian’s Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance for over 20 years. Unfortunately, her domestic violence led to the death of her husband. She will be speaking on “Love Doesn‘t Hurt”.
Our second speaker, Mrs. Michele Smith Hairston, grew up in the Roanoke area and is now residing in Winston Salem, North Carolina. Michelle is a therapist and a facilitator for Community Intervention and Educational Services and Voice for Children and Nurturing Families. She will speak on “The Hidden Consequences of Domestic Violence” and will also facilitate the Young Adult/Teen Female Breakout Session. Breakout Sessions will also be conducted for Women and Men/Young Adult/Teen Males.
Inspirational music will be rendered by Evangelist Gloria Warner, who is a member of Greater Life Ministries, Roanoke. A delicious lunch will be included in the Registration Fee of $20 for adults. This year, the Ladies of Vision Ministry will be offering free admission for Teens/Young Adults, ages 13-22. A limited number of conference fee scholarships will be available for adults desiring to attend but unable to pay the registration fee. Local domestic violence agencies will be available to provide information, assistance and/or one-on-one counseling as needed.
The Ladies of Vision (LOV) Ministry members are excited about our 5th Annual Domestic Violence Conference and encourage all to come out to help us celebrate our 5-Year Anniversary and receive a wealth of information relating to Domestic Violence issues and services available to victims and their families in the Roanoke Valley. We are confident that you will receive a true blessing from the testimony and information sharing of our speakers.
For additional information you may call 540-556-3086 or email us at ladiesofvision@hotmail.com. You may also register for the conference and pay the conference fee of $20.00 with your credit card on our website at www.ladiesofvision.org, or register at WTOY Radio Station or at any LOV affiliated church: Chestnut Grove Baptist, First Baptist Cloverdale, High Street Baptist, Hill Street Baptist, Jerusalem Baptist, Morning Star Baptist, Greater Life Ministries, or Shiloh Baptist. Registration forms will also be available at the Roanoke Tribune. Registration deadline is March 24, 2017.
-Submitted by Sharon H. London