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The Salem Museum’s highly anticipated Christmas model train set is rolling again, now through January 2024. For the past six years, the Burke family has shared their childhood American Flyer model trains with delighted museum visitors. The layout changes and grows every year. This year, the display has expanded to three tracks, including a new, tiny N-scale train.
The Salem Museum is open Tuesdays-Saturdays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission is free.
These vintage trains, so popular for the holidays, take visitors back in time to the charming village of “Plasticville,” set in the 1950s and 60s. In addition to the trains and buildings of all sorts, there’s an interesting cast of little characters playing in the snow. This year, sharp-eyed visitors will discover an array of new surprises. A scavenger hunt will help visitors find all the tiny delights.
This holiday season, 2023, will be the last year for the Burke family train set. “The trains will roll through January, 2024, so don’t miss your chance to enjoy this classic—and imaginative—layout. Come once, or come often,” Frances Ferguson, executive director of the museum, said.
-The Salem Times-Register