Pam Dudding-Burch
Contributing writer

There is a saying, “You don’t stop playing because you grow old; You grow old because you stop playing!”
That phrase seems to encapsulate the ladies and gentlemen of the group ‘Too Young to Quit’ Senior Citizens (TYTQ).
The group began many years ago, at the Senior Citizens building on Main Street. They were known as the New Castle Senior Citizens and were changed to Craig County Senior Citizens, but then not too long ago, Minnie Guthrie suggested the name TYTQ, and everyone seemed to like the title, so it was changed.
TYTQ started meeting at The New Castle Manor in 1994. They meet the 2nd Thursday of each month at noon until about 2pm. It is open to all seniors 55+, both male and female. “We sincerely appreciate the use of The Manor to meet as it is convenient and always clean,” Proffitt shared.
“We do a variety of things such as; pot lucks (most every meeting unless going on a trip), having special speakers, crafts, bingo and we have devotions and prayers for people,” Elmore shared. “We are also open to other ideas and we will be planning some short but fun trips in October.”
They also have a short meeting each month to discuss any needed business. “The best times are fellowshipping with one another!” they agreed. “We have had many special speakers we have enjoyed,” Marlene Svard, a member shared.
Previously they had taken trips to Wolfhaus and The Fincastle Attic and a picnic at The Pines, to name a few.
Their tentative schedule for the remainder of 2017 is;
* September – A visitation to Snyder’s Nursing Home where friends are living,
* October – A trip to Cheese N More, The Bakery and Moncove Lake where they will take their
lunches they purchase at the stores and have a picnic. Later, a trip to Union, WV to the
Calico Kitchen.
* November – Thanksgiving pot luck dinner with turkey
* December – Christmas pot luck dinner with ham (and maybe a special game)
Election of new officers will take place in December therefore, they are encouraging new members to join and become active. Present officers are; Val Vest – Chairperson and Secretary, Minnie Guthrie -Treasurer and Nancy Proffitt – Reporter.
There is a very small monthly dues of only $2 per person which helps to cover the paper supplies needed. “We also purchased a cabinet which Mike Hinson made special for us to store our supplies in so that we do not have to carry them around each month,” Proffitt added.
On occasion, TYTQ has an auction of items which members bring, and then donate the funds to the Rescue or Fire Departments in honor of the passing of one of their members. At times, they send a donation to their favorite charity or to a family member in need.
“We welcome Seniors in Craig to come and eat a meal, take a trip or just fellowship with us,” Elmore shared. “See if it is something you would enjoy!”