One of State’s Outstanding Citizens – Administration Noted for Business Efficiency
From the 1938 centennial edition of The Times-Register
One of Roanoke’s outstanding citizens is former Governor E. Lee Trinkle who made an enviable record while governor and who has taken a most conspicuous part in many worth while movements as a citizen of this county. As president of the Shenandoah Life Insurance company he has been eminently successful. When he was a candidate for governor his slogan was “A business administration by a business man” and he has demonstrated his business ability as the chief executive of this State and as the head of that well known life insurance firm. Few men can boast of such a record of achievement both in public service and private enterprise.
As Governor
As governor of the state of Virginia Mr. Trinkle achieved much as his four years in the gubernatorial chair were crammed with action although some of this work was not completed when he left the governor’s mansion.
During the first part of this term revenues fell off sharply and he was forced to bring into play the most efficient business methods to keep the deficit from swelling. He was instrumental in having a commission study the simplification of government in Virginia and much work was done along this line although he went out of office before the results of this intensive study could be put into effect.
He realized that a system of good roads was necessary in this modern era and as little had been done about such a program before he took office it was apparent that something had to be done. His proposal for a gasoline tax met with opposition at first as few States at that time had such a tax. The general assembly at first turned down this proposal but at a special session such legislation was enacted. That the legislation was sound and that he was looking ahead is shown by the fact that later ever state in the union has adopted a gasoline tax.
A Fine Record
One thing that he feels justly proud of is that he was the pioneer among governors in the union to cause the enactment of legislation which provides for sterilization. He took a determined stand on this question when it was not as popular as it is today when several States have similar laws which provide for sterilization among certain classes in hospitals.
Other outstanding pieces of work in his administration were the increase in power for the purchasing department, improvement of the budget system. The development of a greater educational system and betterment of the prison system.
Mr. Trinkle was born and reared in Wytheville of Virginia ancestry dating back many generations. He was an honor student while attending Hampden-Sydney college and the University of Virginia law school.
– Prepared by Lingjie Gu