ALMS Teacher and Coach Brian Hooker was the first to get in the chair.
Shaving his head to support sixth-grader Adam Gaut and his battle with cancer ranks very high on Jamie Garst’s top moments as Andrew Lewis Middle School Principal.
On Wednesday, February 27, Principal Garst and other staffers informed students that they would shave their heads if a $1,000 fundraising goal to support Adam was met. That day arrived on March 6, exactly two weeks later, when approximately $5,100 were raised.
“I have never been a part of something quite like this in 11 years with Salem City Schools,” Principal Garst said. “I have been a part of smaller fundraisers, but this was totally-organic and student driven. Never did I imagine that the kids would raise this much money.”
School Resource Officer David Goodman got his head shaved. Other teachers and administrators who did the same include: Brian Hooker, Lewis Pitts, Bob Palleria, Anton Jones, Tony Wirt, Josh Davis and Matt Dunham.

It was Adam’s mother who informed Principal Garst last November that her son was battling cancer. “Being able to present Adam and his family a check for $5,094 to help cover the ongoing medical expenses was a great feeling. Adam is an outstanding young man. He is strong, brave and a quiet leader,” he said.
When ALMS Office Secretary Candy Mowbray called her sister at Taylor Salon and explained what the school was trying to do for Adam, they immediately offered to help.
“This was an amazing community effort by the students and staff at ALMS. This, in my opinion, is the best type of education we can provide to children,” Principal Garst said. “This demonstration of love and support for one of our own goes way beyond anything that can be taught in the four walls of a classroom.”