Since the first local walk and picnic held near Salem in 2011, the Walk to Remember has become a tradition of the Roanoke Valley Chapter of The Compassionate Friends (TCF). It’s a loving remembrance of children gone too soon, but not forgotten.
Former chapter leader Michele Moldenhauer, who will be walking in memory of her son, Conrad, remembers that first walk and feeling the love and support of the parents, families and friends who walked with her then. For others who have experienced the loss of a child, a brother or sister, or a grandchild, she hopes you will join her to share this time together “in memory of all of the children who walk with us daily in our hearts.”
This year’s walk will be held on Saturday, October 13, from 10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Roanoke’s Wasena Park Brick Shelter. Registration, the day of the event, begins at 10 a.m. The program and walk begins at 11 a.m. and includes the saying of each child’s name before a dove release. TCF is grateful to John M. Oakey and Sons for providing this special part of our program and for their continuing partnership with our chapter.
Participants are encouraged to bring photos and/or mementos of their children to display on the memory table. Likewise, walk bibs are provided to personalize with photos and name if desired.
While there are no set fees to participate, TCF will be accepting gifts in memory of loved ones — all gifts are greatly appreciated ($10 per person; $25 per family suggested) and will be used locally to help families who have experienced the loss of a child.
The walk follows Wasena Park’s picturesque section of the Roanoke River Greenway, passing by the TCF chapter’s memorial bench that will have vases where walkers can leave cut flowers in honor of their loved ones. “Whether someone walks a mile or a couple hundred feet is not important,” said Moldenhauer. “What is important is that we have taken this time to join those who care that an important person, a child, is missing from our lives.”
Following the walk, participant families and friends are invited to enjoy a potluck picnic at the park’s brick picnic shelter, which will have hot dogs, cake, and drinks.
For more information, contact roanoke.tcf@gmail.com or call 540-797-9470 to preregister. Sponsorships can also be sent to TCF of Roanoke Valley, P.O. BOX 66, Salem, VA 24153.
Year after year for nearly four decades, The Compassionate Friends has spread hope to more and more bereaved families. TCF has been widely recognized as a unique lifeline for those who are dealing with the tremendous grief that follows the death of a child of any age and from any cause.
TCF is a 501(c)(3) organization with more than 650 local chapters. Roanoke area meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month from 7:00 to 8:45 p.m. at Good Samaritan Hospice, Wentworth Place, 2408 Electric Road, Roanoke, VA 24018 www.Facebook.com/TCFRoanoke.
– Submitted by Michele Moldenhauer