RCAHD Weekly Health Update: COVID-19:
Cumulative Case Count Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts: 70328 (up 930)
People hospitalized with COVID-19, as of Monday 8/8/2022: 43 (30 new hospitalizations)
COVID-19 related deaths, as of Tuesday 8/9/2022: 1030. 648 Alleghany Health District; 382 Roanoke City Health District
Monkeypox: The RCAHD teams continue to work with healthcare professionals and community-based organizations to identify and provide vaccine to individuals who are at greatest risk for this orthopox virus.
Hepatitis A Outbreak: Since January 1, 2022, 79 cases of hepatitis A, including 58 hospitalizations, have been reported to RCHAD. No new cases were reported this week. Submitted by Roanoke County and Alleghany Health Districts
Line dancing classes offered at Vinton Community Center:

Free line dancing classes are available at the Charles R. Hill Community Center, located at the Vinton War Memorial in Vinton on Tuesdays at 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. The 10 a.m. class is appropriate for “beginner-plus” students, who are just a little more advanced than beginners. The 11:30 a.m. class is for those just starting out in line dancing. The 6 p.m. class is an advanced class. These classes are open to everyone. Registration is not required. For more information call 540-983-0645 or email cbarbour@vintonva.gov. Submitted by The Vinton Messenger
Civic Center presents Virginia Shoot-Out Model Contest:
The Roanoke Valley Chapter of IPMS is pleased to announce the return of the Virginia Shoot-Out Model Contest to the Salem Civic Center, Saturday, August 13, 2022. Come enjoy a full day of modeling fun and friendship. Over 78 Categories, as well as “Best Ofs” and other Special awards will be presented. Vendors galore, raffle, mega-raffle and a Super Raffle prize will be available. Also, new this year, there will be a silent auction for up-scale items. Visit with members from Regions 2, 3 and 12 as well as neighboring car model clubs and Gundam, war-gaming, space and sci-fi organizations. Contact Tim Ward at 1-540-977-6205 or go to twardf86@aol.com or contact Greg Clower at 1-540-650-1552 or gclower@aol.com for vendor information. Please check out our website at www.rvipms.com for updates as they happen. From the City of Salem Civic Calendar