Photos by KayLauna Harvey
Elder Harvey and his father, Dr. Greg Harvey, saying goodbye at the Roanoke Airport.
Nicholas Harvey, son of Dr. Greg Harvey and KayLauna Harvey, is serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Vitoria Brazil Mission. There are 15 mission-training centers in various countries throughout the world in the LDS Church. The Brazil Mission Training Center was home for Harvey the first six weeks while he studied Portuguese. He recently left the MTC and has begun his mission in Cariacica, Brazil. His first missionary companion is Elder Sousa, a native Brazilian.
Missions are a part of the Harvey family. His father, Dr. Greg Harvey, served a mission in Asuncion, Paraguay. Harvey’s grandfather served a mission in London, England. He has Uncles who have served in Paris, France; LaPaz, Bolivia; and Chile.
Harvey is a 2015 graduate of Glenvar High School where he participated in cross country track and the high jump. He received an academic scholarship to Southern Utah University where he completed his freshman year. He is the oldest of six.
In the LDS Church, the typical time for men serving a mission is two years. Men serve between the ages of 18 and 25. Women typically serve for eighteen months and serve between the ages of 19 to 25. Senior missions are available for those who are retired and wish to serve.
A missionary’s day consists of arising early for breakfast and personal scripture study followed by joint scripture study with a companion. Missionaries go two by two in the LDS Church. As Harvey is serving in a country that speaks a language other than his native tongue, he will have additional study time to perfect his ability to communicate. This is the norm for those who learn a new language.
At mid-morning missionaries may begin to teach. They may use their time to make appointments with those who are interested in furthering their knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They also knock on doors to ask if anyone would like to learn about God and his son Jesus Christ.
Missionaries take an hour for lunch and additional study. They also take an hour for dinner. Missionaries return to their living quarters at 9:30 p.m. to plan the next day’s activities, write in their journal and prepare for bed.
Missionaries in the LDS Church pay for their own missions. They take time from their education or pursuits in life to serve. Currently there are 70,946 missionaries serving throughout the world.
For Harvey, it was a personal decision to serve a mission for his church. Many missionaries will refer to their mission time as “the best two-years of my life”. The rewards and joys of living a humble life dedicated to the Savior are bountiful. Many employers seek after members of the LDS faith who have served missions. They recognize the sacrifice, the hard work, the managerial skills and the learned ability to get along with others.”
-Submitted by Jennifer Brown