At the Jan. 11 work session preceding Salem City Council, Salem Police Chief Michael Crawley, right, and Sheriff’s Chief Deputy Todd Clingenpeel summarize plans for a City Leadership Development Program for city employees. Mayor Renee Turk is in the foreground.
Meg Hibbert
Contributing writer
Plans are underway for a leadership development program for all departments.
At the work session before Monday night’s Salem City Council Meeting, Police Chief Michael Crawley and Chief Deputy Maj. Todd Clingenpeel outlined the program that is expected to start by late summer.
Participants will be nominated by their department heads, Clingenpeel said, with 12-18 per session and six sessions in each series. Sessions will cover leadership; studying the book “Five Dysfunctions of a Team”; Communication; Administrative Responsibilities including hiring and retention; Project, and Ethics.
Two sessions per year are planned, Crawley said, and the team is asking for a budget of $5,000 for each session.
He explained that among the goals of the leadership development program are “Encouraging employees to develop decision-making skills for a stronger workforce.” Crawley added that employees of all different levels and experience are wanted for the program.
Vice Mayor Jim Wallace asked what the timeline is to get all the employees through the leadership development program. Crawley said he foresees it continuing to run year after year, to get new employees included.
In the regular session of Salem City Council that followed, Council:
- Heard from citizen John Breen in the citizen comment portion. He asked Council to adopt a resolution encouraging the Council to become more pro-active in dealing with blighted and non-code property. Breen wants written rules for sale or abandonment of city-owned property, and a half-time city employee to follow up. Mayor Renee Turk said the Council will take Breen’s request under advisement.
- Passed, on first reading a special exception request by Barry E. and Valerie T. Dick to have a larger detached garage at 1737 Amy lane.
- Passed on first reading a special exception to allow Derbyshire Real Estate and Sunset Ridge Holdings LLC to renovate and continue use as a duplex property at 703 E. Riverside Dr.
- Continued until the Feb. 8 meeting, at the petitioner’s request, a hearing for a special exception permit to allow an auto dealership for used vehicles and an auto repair service at 224 W. 4th
- Extended a performance agreement for Parkway Brewing until Nov. 30. Councilman Randy Foley, who was participating remotely due to medical reasons, explained the extension mirrors what the state is doing.
Councilman John Saunders was absent from the 25-minute meeting.