Lambda Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa annually awards classroom grants to teachers in Roanoke County and Salem City Schools. The most recent grants have been awarded to the following educators: Cave Spring Middle School special education teacher Cathy Glebus to make a giant number line on the wall of her classroom, Cave Spring special education teacher Patricia Gentry to purchase adaptive story books for her classroom, East Salem Elementary guidance counselor Mary Gregory to purchase Julia Cook books for her guidance library, G. W. Carver librarian Terri Vangelos to purchase plants for the library, Green Valley Elementary ESL teacher Paula Newbill to purchase a dollhouse and bilingual books for her classroom and Herman L. Horn Pre-K teacher Monique St. Clair to purchase props for “theme play” in her classroom.
Alpha Delta Kappa is an international sorority for women educators whose purposes include promoting excellence in education, altruism, diversity and inclusion, and world understanding. In addition to classroom grants, Lambda Chapter awards annually a $2,000 scholarship to a senior in Roanoke County and Salem City high schools who will major in education.
-Submitted by Deborah Sprenger