Salem City Councilman James Martin congratulates Kathy Murphy after presenting her with Salem City Council’s resolution on her retirement after 31 years, and proclaiming July 20 as Kathy Murphy Day. The presentation was at Salem After 5.
Before she officially retired, Kathy Murphy got her own day, and applause from hundreds of Salem-area people.
Salem City Council recognized Murphy at Salem After 5 on July 20, in front of the crowd that turned out for an evening of entertainment by The Band of Oz. Murphy, who was Special Events Supervisor for years and most recently Parks and Recreation Superintendent, was in her element at the summer Friday night gathering at the Salem Farmers Market.
Councilman James Martin read the proclamation for Murphy, who worked in the city’s recreation department for 31 years. She officially retired this week on Aug. 1. Murphy “contributed in making the Senior Center and Special Events what they are today. Her events have given thousands of dollars back to the community and have given the citizens of Salem entertainment throughout the years.”
Council’s proclamation made July 20 Kathy Murphy Day. It recognized her work in putting on the Winter Beach Blast, Star B-Q, Jazz in July, Movies in the Park, Easter Egg Hunt, Pumpkinfest, Gingerbread Fest, Salem Distance Run, Lighting of the city’s Christmas tree and the Mayor’s Youth Council.
In addition, she was instrumental in the Salem After 5 concert series that attracted about 75,000 people over the years and contributed thousands of dollars to local charities.
Murphy began her career with the Parks and Recreation Department in June 1987 as an Assistant Recreation Supervisor. She was promoted to Recreation Program Manager in 1993, then Special Events Manager in December 2005, and in July of this year, Parks and Recreation Superintendent.