Photo credit: From The Times-Register archives
From the 1938 Centennial Edition of The Times-Register
It’s a long distance from Seattle Washington, far out on the Pacific coast, facing the wide ocean, to Salem, Virginia, hemmed in by the towering Blue Ridge and Alleghany Mountains, but Caleb L. Hall, prominent local insurance man can claim the former as one of his former homes.
And yet, of more interest, with respect to geography is the birthplace of Mr. Hall, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Only twenty-six years ago, October 16, 1912, the rising young civic leader first saw the light of day.
Mr. Hall’s education was received in the Salem public schools, Augusta Military Academy and Roanoke College. While in high school, he showed athletic ability along several lines, while playing on varsity teams.
The Salem Lion’s Club is headed by Mr. Hall at present. He was extremely active in the formation of this local civic body and has served in various offices of the organization.
His church affiliation includes membership in St. Paul’s Episcopal church of Salem.
Previous to 1935 Mr. Hall was employed by the Peacock-Salem, Inc., after which date, with R. S. Fry, Jr., he bought the G. E. Pierpont Insurance Agency here.
The firm operated as Fry and Hall until January 15, 1937, when Mr. Fry accepted a position with the Aetna Casualty and Surety Co. At this time, Mr. Hall took over the agency completely and it is now known as Caleb L. Hall Insurance Co.