The Grand Lodge of Virginia, on Saturday, Nov. 9, during its 246th Annual Communication, elected Gary Dwight Huffman, of Roanoke, Virginia, to serve as its 179th Grand Master during 2024 – 2025.
Gary Dwight Huffman was born on May 6, 1964, in Roanoke, Virginia. He graduated from Northside High School in 1982 and attended courses at Virginia Western Community College, Radford University, and the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland, and holds accreditation from the Professional Career Development Institute of Atlanta, Georgia.
Huffman is married to the former Paula Ann Compton of Botetourt County. They live in Roanoke, and together they have two children; a daughter, Jordan Huffman Cox, graduate of Roanoke College and a teacher, who is married to Brother Randall Hunter Cox. They have three small children and live in Salem. Paula and Gary have a son, Mason Cole Huffman, a graduate of Liberty University, who is currently employed at Liberty and pursuing a master’s degree.
In July 1986, he began a career with the Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department, where he worked his way through the ranks and served in the position of Fire Marshal for 10 years prior to his retirement on June 1, 2014. During his fire service career, he attended the Law Enforcement Academy through the Virginia Department of Fire Programs and served two terms as President of the Virginia Fire Prevention Association.
Huffman was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on June 21, 1999, in Vinton Lodge No. 204, where he served as its Worshipful Master in 2015. He is now a member of Lakeland Lodge No. 190, as a result of a consolidation with Vinton Lodge in 2022. He is also a member of Boone Lodge No. 247.
He served as Grand Purveyor in 2011, Grand Tiler in 2015, and Administrative Assistant to the Grand Master in 2018, and was elected to the Office of Grand Junior Deacon in 2018. He is the Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of Florida, near Virginia. His Masonic services since that day have been extensive.
-The Salem Times-Register