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The holiday season is full of trees and trimmings, caroling and gifts, wonder and joy; but for families who have recently lost a loved one, it can also be a difficult time of grief and heartache. For this reason, John M. Oakey and Son Funeral Home will host its Annual Candlelight Remembrance Service on Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 7 p.m. in their chapel.
“We understand the grief journey that many families go through after losing someone they love,” said Cathie Thomas, president of John M. Oakey and Son. “Perhaps there is no time of the year when we are more aware of the empty space our dear one has left behind than during the holiday season.”
Dr. Michael Curry, leader of Amazing Grace Global Impact Ministry, will share an inspirational message of healing and hope to help families prepare their hearts for a holiday season following a loss. “Walking through grief can be a difficult and uncertain trek,” explained Dave Vanderpool, manager, “especially for families who are experiencing the first holiday season absent of someone they love.”
The beautifully decorated historic home is all set to warmly welcome families inside to share memories and to light candles of remembrance in honor and memory of loved ones lost. “We want to emphasize that this is a special service for the community and not just for families that we have served this past year,” said Thomas. “All are welcome.”
The reading of the poem, “The Four Candles” is always a meaningful part of the service after which guests are invited to light a candle of remembrance for their dear ones.
“We have orchestrated a meaningful service which we hope will be of comfort to families,” said Thomas. The John M. Oakey and Son family has a special gift for each guest as a memento of gratitude for allowing them the privilege of caring for their family during a most difficult time. “Each family we serve is special to us and becomes part of our family,” explained Thomas. “We are so grateful for the faith and trust bestowed upon our funeral home by our community.”
Immediately following the service, families are invited to stay for a time of fellowship and light hors d’oeuvres.
Holiday traditions are special at John M. Oakey and Son and the staff would like to invite the community to participate in one of their own by honoring the memory of a loved one on the Lights of Love Memorial Tree. This too is not just for families who have called upon John M. Oakey and Son this past year, but all are welcome to place a “light of hope, joy and peace,” on the tree to shine throughout the holiday season.
For more information about the candlelight service or to add a loved one’s name to the Lights of Love Memorial Tree, at no charge, call 389-5441 or email info@johnmoakey.com
-Candy Long