Pictured (L to R): Corey Slusher, Kroger United Way Chair; Jeff Collignon, United Way VP Resource Development; Allison McGee, Kroger Corporate Affairs; and Wendy Delano, Director Salem Civic Center/Salem Fair.
Kroger has donated $16,030 to the United Way of the Roanoke Valley from the sale of “Megapass” tickets from the 2018 Salem Fair. Kroger partnered with the Salem Fair to sell the unlimited ride advance tickets at 26 Kroger stores in the region. A portion of each ticket sold was donated to the United Way by Kroger.
“Kroger selected the United Way as its charity partner to receive a portion of the ticket sales because the United Way directly impacts a broad range of needs in our community,” said Allison McGee, Corporate Affairs Manager for Kroger.
“This program is a great benefit to our community,” said Wendy Delano, Director Salem Civic Center/Salem Fair, “Not only does this program allow those attending the Salem Fair a chance to buy their ride passes in advance at a great price, but it also gives back to the community through the United Way. It’s a win-win for all involved.”
The Salem Fair attracted over 300,000 visitors in its 13-day run this year, the 31st anniversary of the fair.
-Submitted by Allison McGee, Corporate Affairs Manager for Kroger