Mounties Abigail Fletcher (top) from Salem, Virginia, and Hannah Atzeni (bottom)
from Sligo, Pennsylvania, work to fill bags to ship to Funds2orgs, a nonprofit
benefiting children in third world countries.
Approximately 800 pairs of shoes were recently donated by Mount Aloysius College students, faculty and staff to the non-profit organization, Funds2orgs. The College partnered with the Western Pennsylvania Church of the Brethren to collect a total of 2,500 pairs. Funds2orgs will weigh the shoes and give funds that will benefit children in third world countries. Mount Aloysius students also volunteered to help band and bag the shoes before they were delivered to Funds2orgs. The College also hopes to collect an additional 500 pair of shoes. Mount Aloysius College is nestled in the Laurel Highlands on a 193-acre beautiful campus. Students at Mount Aloysius pick from over 70 academic programs that statistically earn good jobs or a ready pathway to grad school. For more information about Mount Aloysius College contact the Admissions Office at admissions@ mtaloy.edu or call them at 888-823- 2220. – Submitted by Sam Wagner