Aila Boyd
The Mountain Valley Cluster Dog Show was held at the Salem Civice Center last Wednesday through Sunday by James River Kennel Club, Inc, with a range of breeds and their owners taking part in the event. It is one of the shows throughout the year in which dogs compete and campaign for top dog, culminating at the Westminster Kennel Club show in February.

Among the participants were Carol Manor, of Clermont, Florida. She was there with her 2-year-old Italian greyhound, Patrick, who is currently the number three Italian greyhound in the country.
“We were in South Carolina last weekend, so we thought we’d drive up and check it out,” Manor said of the show. “It’s a nice show.”
Manor started showing dogs as a child but got out of it later. She eventually returned to showing dogs, but with a different breed. “It’s just fun time to spend with your dog. You meet lots of friends and new people as you go along to the shows. It’s a good time.”

Staunton resident Bob Anders was at the event in the capacity as an American Kennel Club-certified steward, which means he essentially serves as a judge’s assistant.
“It’s my responsibility to hand out the armbands and make sure that the right dog has the right number, so they match up with their catalog. I call the dogs in when the judge is ready to judge them. I handle the ribbons and the paperwork,” he explained. It’s a role he’s had for over 25 years.
To attend the show, he brought his RV and stayed at the center. “This particular dog show does a really nice job of putting on the shows,” he said.