The City of Salem School Board will hold a public hearing for comment on
the Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services on
Tuesday, June 8, 2021. The hearing will begin at 6:30 PM at South Salem
Elementary School, 1600 Carolyn Road, Salem, VA 24153.
Any citizen of Salem who wishes to address the Board should contact
Kathy A. Jordan, Clerk of the Board, at 389-0130 by Monday, June 7, in order to
be placed on the agenda. Individuals who plan to address the Board are
requested to bring copies of their remarks for the record.
In accordance with Board Policy KD, Public Participation in Board
Meetings, individuals who plan to address the Board are requested to:
- provide their name and address,
- address their remarks to the Board,
- be brief and address all stated concerns to the chair,
- A time limit of three minutes per speaker is allotted,
- Provide 8 copies of their remarks for the record, and
- be prepared to answer questions from the Board,
- In unusual cases or cases of emergency, the Board,
by consensus, may allow an individual or organization to speak if not on the agenda.